astrid dahl

astrid dahl
seed capsule

astrid dahl

astrid dahl

astrid dahl
corycium alticola

astrid dahl

astrid dahl

wiid design and ceramic matters
drop-leaf ceramic dining table

wiid design and ceramic matters
curiosity bench

wiid design
african cork stool

wiid design
african cork stool

wiid design
african cork pendant lamp

wiid design
african cork pendant lamp

wiid design
african cork pendant lamp

wiid design
african cork pendant lamp

ceramic matters
dragon den

ceramic matters
gay paris

ceramic matters
of mice and men

ceramic matters
poodle pets

ceramic matters
skull with shells

ceramic matters
bunny park

thabisa mjo
lampe tutu rouge

thabisa mjo
chaise mojo

thabisa mjo
tutu lamp noir et blanc

andrew early
bol en bois jacaranda tourné á la main

lisa ringwood
vase jaune avec shrikes sur acacia

andrew early
bol en bois tourné a la main

table bois pétrifié

Gregor Jenkin
Turned Table 1

Gregor Jenkin
Half Moon Table

Christina Bryer
Mandala 3

Christina Bryer
Mandala 2